Funeral and related activities companies registered in Hull HU17 with SIC code 96030

There are a total of 33 active companies registered in postcode HU17 with SIC code 96030 Funeral and related activities.

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04709043 A BOULTON & SONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02575505 BEDWARDINE FUNERAL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08292082 BEVERLEY FUNERALS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07968132 BLACKBURN FUNERAL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05040144 BRISTOL CARRIAGE MASTERS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04247467 DAVID H. SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS (INC. MELLOR & SMITH) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00998603 DONCASTER FUNERAL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11915717 E HILL & SON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00801523 F.R.KIRK & SON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11405889 HAROLD H LEESE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07148452 HORTONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS LTD Active Private Limited Company 09107545 HORTONS FUNERAL SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 03855484 J M & E OVINGTON & SON (FUNERAL DIRECTORS) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02931952 J. NAYLOR (FUNERAL DIRECTORS) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00389970 J. PIDGEON & SON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04116873 J. S. HEDGES FUNERAL SERVICE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03352564 JOHN PARKIN & SON (FUNERAL DIRECTORS) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12990922 LEWIS NORTHEN FUNERAL DIRECTORS LTD Active Private Limited Company 04988219 MALTBY INDEPENDENT FUNERAL SERVICE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08542271 MIKE EAST FUNERAL DIRECTORS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09351440 PETER COYNE INDEPENDENT FUNERAL SERVICE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08561359 POPE FUNERAL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04458220 ROBERT HOLLAND FUNERAL DIRECTOR LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06458397 S & W RIDING FUNERALS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10894809 SAFEGUARDING FUTURES LTD Active Private Limited Company 07958591 SENTIMENTS INDEPENDENT FUNERAL HOME LTD Active Private Limited Company 04082127 SKELMERSDALE FUNERAL SERVICE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15340689 THE CARRIAGE MASTER REPATRIATION LTD Active Private Limited Company 04026988 THE TAYLOR FUNERAL SERVICE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06941685 THOMAS MCMULLAN FUNERAL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04031356 THOMAS PORTER & SONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06321968 TRANQUILITY FUNERALS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06136264 WATSONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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