Driving school activities companies registered in East Central London EC1V with SIC code 85530

There are a total of 38 active companies registered in postcode EC1V with SIC code 85530 Driving school activities.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

15089248 7 DAY INTENSIVE LTD Active Private Limited Company 09790469 7 DAYS DRIVING SCHOOL LTD Active Private Limited Company 10372482 ACADEMY INTENSIVE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15392080 ADVANCED DRIVING SCHOOL (ADS) LTD Active Private Limited Company 15572719 AUTOMATIC CAR DRIVING COURSE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15255026 BISMILLAH DRIVER SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15054220 BR STUDIES LTD Active Private Limited Company 14673449 CIVIL VOCATIONAL ACADEMY UK LTD Active Private Limited Company 15797174 DRIVER TRAINER NETWORK LTD Active Private Limited Company 15707969 DRIVING TESTS NOW LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15708693 DUAA DRIVING ACADEMY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13705290 EXL YOUNG DRIVER LTD Active Private Limited Company 12741851 FULL BIKE LICENCE LMRT LTD Active Private Limited Company 15600089 GREEN DRIVING ACADEMY LTD Active Private Limited Company 08372738 HGV TRAINING CENTRE LTD Active Private Limited Company 12657213 INDIE MOTORCYCLE TRAINING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15191128 INSTRUCTOR CONNECT LTD Active Private Limited Company 14991021 JULIET JONES LTD Active Private Limited Company 13426018 LOGISTICS TRAINING (UK) LTD Active Private Limited Company 11588611 MIB SCHOOL OF MOTORING LTD Active Private Limited Company 15448694 MSG ALKOTO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15047621 NG DRIVING GROUP LTD Active Private Limited Company 14661110 ONTRACK DRIVING SCHOOL LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 12475819 PASSASSURED LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15271849 PASSGO DRIVING LTD Active Private Limited Company 10174044 PCV TRAINING SCHOOL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15486202 PRACTISE WITH MR SINGH LTD Active Private Limited Company 15360643 RAPID DRIVING TESTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14998104 ROADTEAM GROUP LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14329316 SAFE2DRIVE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15006064 STEEYR LTD Active Private Limited Company 15178105 THE DEFENSIVE DRIVING AND FLEET SOLUTIONS ACADEMY UK LTD Active Private Limited Company 09761125 THE HGV GROUP LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06872835 THE LGV TRAINING COMPANY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15178073 THE TEACHER AND EXAMINERS TRAINING ACADEMY UK LTD Active Private Limited Company 15043808 THEORYBASE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15571042 TIMPERLEY DRIVING SCHOOL LTD Active Private Limited Company 15523993 VERIFIED SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 15300836 YREBU LTD Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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