Renting and leasing of air passenger transport equipment companies registered in South West London SW1H with SIC code 77351

There are a total of 28 active companies registered in postcode SW1H with SIC code 77351 Renting and leasing of air passenger transport equipment.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

13717946 AETHER ASSET MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10777037 ALPHA LEASING (NO. 12) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11566476 ALPHA LEASING (NO. 14) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04213113 ALPHA LEASING (NO. 4) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09315873 ALPHA LEASING (NO.10) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09800195 ALPHA LEASING (NO.11) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08071929 ALPHA LEASING (NO.9) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03780079 ALPHA LEASING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04133746 ALPHA PARTNERS LEASING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12279296 ATHENA AVIATION LEASING UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06874440 NAC AVIATION UK 1 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09937647 NAC AVIATION UK 2 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10715350 NAC AVIATION UK 3 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09937426 NAC SERVICES UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10777606 OMEGA LEASING (NO. 12) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11569734 OMEGA LEASING (NO. 14) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09315927 OMEGA LEASING (NO.10) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09801701 OMEGA LEASING (NO.11) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04219983 OMEGA LEASING (NO.4) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08072649 OMEGA LEASING (NO.9) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03780306 OMEGA LEASING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12358130 RRPF ASSET MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02873019 RRPF ENGINE LEASING (NO.2) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02670518 RRPF ENGINE LEASING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11280021 SAPPHIRE AVIATION FINANCE I (UK) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13711577 WAVE 2019-1 UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13994373 WINGS AVIATION 1400 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11526468 ZEPHYRUS CAPITAL AVIATION PARTNERS (UK) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode SW1H


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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