Film processing companies registered in East Central London EC1V with SIC code 74203

There are a total of 35 active companies registered in postcode EC1V with SIC code 74203 Film processing.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

14362989 40SCROMARTY PRODUCTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 12779910 ACP NETWORK LTD Active Private Limited Company 14426508 AÏEUX LTD Active Private Limited Company 15212186 BARS ON AIR LTD Active Private Limited Company 15757499 BATH PHOTOS LTD Active Private Limited Company 10305290 BRISTOL PHOTOS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14425931 CRYSTALLINE PRODUCTION LTD Active Private Limited Company 15189518 CURATED CREATIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 13729210 DAO ALPHA OMEGA PRODUCTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14175456 DIGITAL DIAMOND STUDIOS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14852054 DRC VISUALS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15637371 EAGLE CLAW STUDIO LTD Active Private Limited Company 15423718 EIN SOF LTD Active Private Limited Company 15095119 ET MEDIA PROMOTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14896353 FLIGHTLINE MEDIA LTD Active Private Limited Company 14093210 GOLDEN EVERGREEN PRODUCTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 12773398 INTHRU LTD Active Private Limited Company 13506447 KING PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15070585 KUBBO DESIGN LTD Active Private Limited Company 15195761 MONZDA TV LTD Active Private Limited Company 15335976 MOVIEMAP LTD Active Private Limited Company 02004027 NATURAL PROCESSING CO. LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14986134 NOTJUST PRODUCTION LTD Active Private Limited Company 15539801 NUMATRIX LTD Active Private Limited Company 15162273 OUTLINEPHOTOGRAPHYUK LTD Active Private Limited Company 14071426 PROMISED FILMS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08043240 SHAW FILMS LTD Active Private Limited Company 13354130 STUDIO WHIRL MOTION LTD Active Private Limited Company 14527061 TENVISIONS MEDIA LTD Active Private Limited Company 15065049 THE BL FILM LIST LTD Active Private Limited Company 15672938 THE CHANGE MOVIE LTD Active Private Limited Company 12933008 THE CYCLING SHOW LTD Active Private Limited Company 15096218 THE FORGOTTEN LTD Active Private Limited Company 14670769 UNITED HEROES LTD Active Private Limited Company 14689177 WONDER TALENT MANAGEMENT LTD Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode EC1V


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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