Holiday centres and villages companies registered in Tonbridge TN39 with SIC code 55201

There are a total of 22 active companies registered in postcode TN39 with SIC code 55201 Holiday centres and villages.

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07755298 BRIDGE LEISURE MANAGEMENT (NORTH) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07071224 BRIDGE LEISURE PARKS (FINANCE) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07074640 BRIDGE LEISURE PARKS (HOLDINGS) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07071227 BRIDGE LEISURE PARKS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02430383 COGHURST HALL HOLIDAY VILLAGE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05124856 CRUMPWOOD LTD. Active Private Limited Company 02076677 GOLDEN SANDS LTD Active Private Limited Company 00633647 HAMMERTON LEISURE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02587448 HARTS HOLIDAY CAMPS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00501420 HARTS HOLIDAY VILLAGE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02438403 MARLIE FARM HOLIDAY VILLAGE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08389315 MARTELLO BEACH LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02434151 PARK HOLIDAYS UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05262097 PARK LEISURE 2000 (CORNWALL) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04268282 PARK LEISURE 2000 (NORTHUMBERLAND) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03352005 PARK LEISURE 2000 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01910554 SAND LE MERE CARAVAN PARK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09693794 SEAVIEW HOLIDAY VILLAGE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02698675 SUN COMMUNITIES UK PARKS LTD Active Private Limited Company 03274393 THE SOUTH DEVON HOLIDAY PARKS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00639150 TREVELLA CARAVAN COMPANY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08127562 TURNBERRY HOLIDAY PARK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 April 2024

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Considering engaging with the people who live & work in TN39? Targeted marketing by postcode is ideal for local businesses.

Targeted marketing by postcode is ideal for local businesses.

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