Service activities incidental to water transportation companies registered in Chester CH62 with SIC code 52220

There are a total of 42 active companies registered in postcode CH62 with SIC code 52220 Service activities incidental to water transportation.

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12356488 1859 RESOURCES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12356753 A & J LOCKSIDE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12469318 ADSERVIO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12351847 ARAKAN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12356655 BARRS MARITIME LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09048227 COLLINS PILOTAGE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12349788 COOMBES TRADING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08387315 CPS MARINE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08116460 DAVID ROBERTS MARINE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08117586 DRIFTWOOD MARINE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08105353 DRING MARITIME SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08107939 EASTERLY MARITIME SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08113972 EVANS MARINE SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 08106440 G.H.R.PILOTAGE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08106096 GWYNDAF PILOTAGE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08996329 HENDERSON MARITIME SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12417879 HORIZON MARINE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13746584 HOSKING MARITIME SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08127872 HUTCHINSON MARINE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08105072 IRVINE MARITIME LTD Active Private Limited Company 08117585 JDS PILOTAGE LTD Active Private Limited Company 12389097 JLAY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08116895 K.F.PILOTAGE SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 12349803 LAMORNA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12346567 LEADWATER LTD Active Private Limited Company 10656518 LV NAUTA PILOTAGE SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 09682390 MNA MARINE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15209125 MOVERLEY MARINE LTD Active Private Limited Company 12367669 ON THE EBB LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08107522 PAUL SCHONEVELD LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12574520 RIPPLE @ LTD Active Private Limited Company 12510486 RIVERS OPERATIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08113984 RJAB MARINE SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 12373125 ROPER TRADING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12356314 S&K OSBORNE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09404305 SALISBURY MARITIME CONSULTANTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 08104969 SEA THOMAS MARINE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08105428 SLATER MARINE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08385245 STEPHENSON NAUTICAL SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 12279077 THOMPSON MARITIME SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 12389289 TIDEWATER LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15735709 TT MARITIME SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


Find all companies with SIC code 52220

Find all companies in postcode CH62


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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