Retail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilizers, pet animals and pet food in specialised stores companies registered in North London N14 with SIC code 47760

There are a total of 44 active companies registered in postcode N14 with SIC code 47760 Retail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilizers, pet animals and pet food in specialised stores.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

12727232 BAVL PETS AND PAWS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14183283 BLUESTAR ATLANTIS LTD Active Private Limited Company 06019889 BURGEON FLORAL DESIGN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15136745 COHEN SHARES LTD Active Private Limited Company 10736068 ECOMDIRECT LTD Active Private Limited Company 15224901 ENNEX LTD Active Private Limited Company 13575912 EUR MINING GROUP LTD Active Private Limited Company 15457255 EUROPEAN BEARIOTA SULFUR FERTILIZER CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15295827 EUROPEAN LION HORSE CHEMICAL GROUP CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 13006761 FERTLUX LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15127372 FINLAND NGROLA CROP NUTRITION CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 13150507 FLORAL ACADEMY LTD Active Private Limited Company 14734224 FLORAL DESIGNS 23 LTD Active Private Limited Company 11890693 FLORARIUM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15243259 GERMAN LION HORSE CHEMICAL CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15516243 GERMANY UPULI INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL GROUP CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15223693 GREEN DRAGON TREES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09369745 HUMPHRY.DAVY LTD Active Private Limited Company 15131335 ISRAEL BUDDISI CHEMICAL GROUP CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 13949528 ISRAEL DERUIV CHEMICAL CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15092989 ISRAEL HAIFA ADOM ZHONGNONG CHEMICAL GROUP CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15310928 ITALY MIRODIAN INTERNATIONAL CROP NUTRITION CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15363283 ITALY PLAICET CHEMICAL GROUP CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15287244 ITALY PUDARIELLO INTERNATIONAL LTD Active Private Limited Company 08726673 JUNCTION PETS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15356262 KALHAIL (GERMANY) BIOTECHNOLOGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12301272 KENWARD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15563751 NETHERLANDS AMES PLANT NUTRITION CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15330671 NETHERLANDS YAMMRA HORTICULTURE CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15419985 NORSE TYLENOL CHEMICAL CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15462222 NORWAY YARAN CHEMICAL GROUP LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14445545 ORIENTAL FLOWERS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15535627 OXFORD COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14811161 PET SPACE LTD Active Private Limited Company 09321992 SHILPA REDDY FLOWER DESIGN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15293593 SPAIN OPFON OCEAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Active Private Limited Company 13885255 THE FLOWER MEN LTD Active Private Limited Company 15129288 UK AIRANSHI CHEMICAL GROUP LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14006222 UK BRISTOL PLANT NUTRITION CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15351168 UK DORCHE CROP NUTRITION LTD Active Private Limited Company 15287382 UK FELGER BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15336455 UK NEWCAM MINERALS CO., LTD. Active Private Limited Company 15356275 YINGCAOHUANG (JAPAN) BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15403061 YINGWRIGHT PET FOOD LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 April 2024

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