Retail sale of meat and meat products in specialised stores companies registered in Slough SL1 with SIC code 47220

There are a total of 20 active companies registered in postcode SL1 with SIC code 47220 Retail sale of meat and meat products in specialised stores.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

14952810 3A PRESTIGE UK LTD Active Private Limited Company 15352749 ABBASHALALMEAT LTD Active Private Limited Company 12881127 AL FAZAL MEAT SHOP LTD Active Private Limited Company 11238460 APNA PUNJAB MEAT MARKET SLOUGH LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14792158 BISMILLAH HALAL BUTCHER & GROCERIES LTD Active Private Limited Company 04719794 CASTLE MEATS (BURNHAM) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13001650 DADYAL HALAL MEAT LTD Active Private Limited Company 12711842 HALAL MEAT DELIVERY LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 10009855 HASEEB HALAL MEAT LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15593470 HUMZA HALAL MEAT LTD Active Private Limited Company 14111681 IMAN GROUP LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07355961 KAMAL BROTHERS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14698779 LIDOLINTERNATIONALENTERPRISES LTD Active Private Limited Company 13463885 MADNI HALAL MEAT LTD Active Private Limited Company 09978270 MEDINA HALAL MEAT & GROCERY LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 13678312 MUBARAK GENERAL TRADING LTD Active Private Limited Company 14801228 RAJA SHOPPING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14939414 SLOUGH DADYAL HALAL MEAT LTD Active Private Limited Company 11988091 SLOUGH HALAL MEAT & CO LTD Active Private Limited Company 15498411 SLOUGH HALALYUM MEATRY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12225502 SLOUGH STORE & HALAL MEAT LTD Active Private Limited Company 14423026 SUBHAN HALAL MEAT LTD Active Private Limited Company 13204864 SUNDHARI STORES LTD Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 April 2024

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