Wholesale of petroleum and petroleum products companies registered in Western Central London WC2H with SIC code 46711

There are a total of 49 active companies registered in postcode WC2H with SIC code 46711 Wholesale of petroleum and petroleum products.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

15615701 AHI ENERGY UK LTD Active Private Limited Company 15001624 ALBERIJA LTD Active Private Limited Company 13913799 ALFA STAR GLOBAL (UK) LTD. Active Private Limited Company 13097991 AMPLERIUM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15049903 ANAPCO LTD Active Private Limited Company 15645699 ANBAT TRADE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15104528 ATLANTIC VENTURES LTD Active Private Limited Company 14994749 AUGUSTEXIM LTD Active Private Limited Company 11375387 BLUECHEM GROUP LTD Active Private Limited Company 14172859 BSH BEAUFORT SECURITISATION HOLDING LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 12413846 COODSYNERGYN OIL & POWER [U.K.] LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14614333 CORLETTA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12299209 ENGOL TECH LTD Active Private Limited Company 14347483 FURUN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LTD Active Private Limited Company 12482738 GAFCO COMMODOTIES LTD Active Private Limited Company 12543008 GBN TRADING, EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION (U.K.) LTD Active Private Limited Company 15063837 HIT FINANCE CONSULTING MANAGEMENT LTD Active Private Limited Company 14584578 HYLINE ENERGY UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11583381 IAA ENERGY RESOURCES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15298603 INPLATINUM LTD Active Private Limited Company 15174750 KAFKAS OIL & GAS HOLDINGS CO. LTD. Active Private Limited Company 15326895 KGO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15496864 KOKO & A LTD Active Private Limited Company 11919750 KPRRM LTD Active Private Limited Company 14787778 MARCHEM INTERNATIONAL TRADE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15084774 MJ COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL INC LTD Active Private Limited Company 14426860 NEER PROJECTS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15232166 OFIK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12700423 OILBIZ UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15711674 OPUTA ENERGIES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15324690 OSTAR PIPELINE UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13925944 OVAS TRADING AND INVESTMENT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07985673 OXFORD ENERGY TRADING AND CONSULTING (OXETC) LTD Active Private Limited Company 15052613 PETROCHEM OIL TRADING LTD Active Private Limited Company 14270121 PETROLIUM HOLDING LTD Active Private Limited Company 11654309 POLYTEM LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15594389 PORTAKAL AHSAP URETIM VE PAZARLAMA LTD Active Private Limited Company 15519218 PORTMAN HOLDINGS LTD Active Private Limited Company 12232666 REEF MARINE LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 14597597 REGAL PETROL LTD Active Private Limited Company 15754106 SHEIKH ALZUYUT TRADING LTD Active Private Limited Company 14863432 SILKWAY IMPEX LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 10629762 SMART GLOBE TRADING UK LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15033570 SPARKLE SOLUTIONS GROUP LTD Active Private Limited Company 11948743 STANDARD MARITIME LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14545657 STARLIGHT INTL LTD Active Private Limited Company 15431167 SYNERGIA ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14939138 TANIA INTERNATIONAL B2B MARKETING AGENTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15606034 TDD GBR CO. LTD Active Private Limited Company 14745929 TECH MANAGEMENT TRADE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15488774 THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR INVESTMENT & STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP LTD Active Private Limited Company 15514138 VERVE PROCUREMENT LTD Active Private Limited Company 14765865 WEST OIL TRADING LTD Active Private Limited Company 14591205 ZEPEX PETROLEUM LTD Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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