Construction of railways and underground railways companies registered in Dartford DA14 with SIC code 42120

There are a total of 60 active companies registered in postcode DA14 with SIC code 42120 Construction of railways and underground railways.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

12881409 ALPHA PLANNERS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12852941 AMIOW LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10339324 AND1 RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10533557 BEUKESCO LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 09960161 BEVILLE UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14703025 BIG FENCING GOODS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09027317 BLAKELEYRAILSERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10310359 BOLEYN RAILWAY ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12292824 BRIAN ARTHUR THOMAS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15412085 BRIAN PHOEBE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14357127 BUSINESS OPERATIONS SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14726375 CFM TRACK SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13917872 CKH RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11631774 COBAN JONES ENGINEERING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10335853 COLLINS RAIL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12404062 COMPREHENSIVE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13709658 COYNE RAIL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10345551 D & C TRACK PROJECTS LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 13419304 DANAHER RAIL MANAGEMENT LTD Active Private Limited Company 10337226 DLB RAIL SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 12292992 ENTA RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11561360 FIELDRAIL LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 12625456 FIRMAY LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 09902406 FJ & A LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09684111 G MORGAN RAIL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15582978 G MORGAN RAIL SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14047518 G S & R LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14987546 HLI PROJECTS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06856274 I.D. RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13073757 INVICTA RAIL LTD Active Private Limited Company 13783291 JASAR RAIL LTD Active Private Limited Company 11615238 JFW RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09618112 JL RAIL MANAGEMENT LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 12012951 KAR RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11005511 KHANRAILWAYSOLUTIONS LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 09253975 KYLE PARRY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14659476 L A G INDUSTRIES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14220213 L&M PLANNING SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 12665469 LMC RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11566169 LUKEHURST ENTERPRISES LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 10010987 MARITZ ENGINEERING LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15721205 MAYDAY RAIL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14008584 MB RAIL ACCESS LTD Active Private Limited Company 12068889 MCG RAIL SERVICES LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 11253607 MCNAMARA RAIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11280182 MD RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09997973 MH RAIL CONSULTANCY LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 10222230 MIHAI AND SON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09289463 MJ RAIL OPERATIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09513890 MPC CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 11402661 MRLF SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15792399 NOVO SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12092002 NSG RAIL LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 10750552 P WILLIAM Q LTD Active Private Limited Company 10710079 PAUL MCCARTHY RESOURCES LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 13083860 PERMANENT WAY ENGINEERING SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15024651 PLAINSCAPE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14859847 PQ ENGINEERING LTD Active Private Limited Company 11774000 PRM RAIL LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 13061211 PWAY CONSULTING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12473024 RAB RAILWAYS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11242227 RE RAIL SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14311182 REECE LEE RAILS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09030122 RHINO RAIL CONSULTANTS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10903951 SHH RAIL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10209370 SIDNEYRAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11040123 SIGENG LTD Active Private Limited Company 14129533 STRAIL ENGINEERING LTD Active Private Limited Company 10528860 TAYBROG RAIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09935427 TICKNER TRACKS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12251202 TRACK AIR CONSULTANTS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14161337 VALKNUT CONSULTING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12974864 WILSON ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15518567 WILSON ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode DA14


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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