Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste companies registered in Doncaster DN4 with SIC code 38210

There are a total of 36 active companies registered in postcode DN4 with SIC code 38210 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

02632581 3C WASTE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02464345 ALLINGTON O&M SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04792815 ALLINGTON WASTE COMPANY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02993753 ANTI-WASTE (RESTORATION) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01569257 ANTI-WASTE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00930757 ARNOLD WASTE DISPOSAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02250123 BDR PROPERTY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02692495 BDR WASTE DISPOSAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00579409 DARRINGTON QUARRIES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02666323 DERBYSHIRE WASTE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02629972 EAST WASTE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10327359 FCC (E&M) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07776674 FCC BUCKINGHAMSHIRE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05663735 FCC ENVIRONMENT (BERKSHIRE) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07418620 FCC ENVIRONMENT (LINCOLNSHIRE) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02674166 FCC RECYCLING (UK) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00988844 FCC WASTE SERVICES (UK) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08164693 FCC WREXHAM PFI (PHASE II) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05572555 FCC WREXHAM PFI LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14825360 GREEN COURSE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07418624 HYKEHAM O & M SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02433703 INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02894377 KENT ENVIROPOWER LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02069821 LANDFILL MANAGEMENT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02668959 LINCWASTE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03001490 NORFOLK WASTE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03057012 PENNINE WASTE MANAGEMENT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05663734 RE3 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04088472 TELFORD & WREKIN SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04000033 WASTE RECYCLING GROUP (CENTRAL) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02563475 WASTE RECYCLING GROUP (UK) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02436946 WASTE RECYCLING GROUP (YORKSHIRE) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02674169 WASTENOTTS (RECLAMATION) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02629246 WASTENOTTS O&M SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02736095 WELBECK WASTE MANAGEMENT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02206141 WRG ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode DN4


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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