Trade of gas through mains companies registered in East Central London EC4M with SIC code 35230

There are a total of 37 active companies registered in postcode EC4M with SIC code 35230 Trade of gas through mains.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

10933655 ABRONIA ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933394 ANDROS ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934685 AZORES ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933331 CANTOR ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933549 CELESTUS ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934110 CHOPARD ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03869419 CNG ENERGY LIMITED Liquidation Private Limited Company 10933651 COMORO ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05055997 CONTRACT NATURAL GAS 2 LIMITED Liquidation Private Limited Company 02897253 CONTRACT NATURAL GAS LIMITED Liquidation Private Limited Company 10930651 EPIROS ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934350 FINFOOT ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934838 FLORES ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934172 FLORICAN ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10930752 GOMERA ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11190167 HAVANT BIOGAS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10929283 JAGOS ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934658 JAVAN ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934333 JERDON ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933640 JOLO ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934598 JUNIN ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933705 KAGU ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10930490 KARPATHOS ENGERY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933267 LARICIS ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09291740 LNG INVESTMENTS EUROPE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10930597 LOMPOC ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933849 LUZON ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934131 MALEO ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933582 MATUDA ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10352756 MOLGAS ENERGY UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933487 MONA ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10934239 NAHAN ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11189721 NELSON BIOGAS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03359379 PETRONAS ENERGY TRADING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933689 PINDOS ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11190404 PURBROOK BIOGAS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933472 ROUND ISLAND ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11189795 THORNEY BIOGAS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09844783 UK ENERGY INCUBATOR HUB LTD In Administration Private Limited Company 10933390 WATTLE ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10933414 ZARCEUS ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode EC4M


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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