Distribution of electricity companies registered in Western Central London WC2H with SIC code 35130

There are a total of 34 active companies registered in postcode WC2H with SIC code 35130 Distribution of electricity.

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14720471 AKZAMAN LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15114311 ARIF OGLU LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15397234 BJC ENERGIES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15013488 CHEMSSADAMSHOP LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14662223 ECOLIGHTEC LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 14864544 ELECTRON ENERGIES LTD Active Private Limited Company 13622273 ENERGY FOR FUTURE LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 12304297 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANCY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15333391 FLAMEGROVE SUPPLIES LTD Active Private Limited Company 15217483 FUTURE UTILITY SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12967858 GLOBAL GREEN ENERGY ALLIANCE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14317911 GO GREEN EV CHARGE POINT INSTALLERS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14183612 GREEN PK POWER LTD Active Private Limited Company 14980058 INNOCENT ENERGY SYSTEMS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15500536 JOPLING GROUP LTD Active Private Limited Company 13370466 JWT CONSULTING LTD Active Private Limited Company 13991932 KAMEL LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 14974659 LA-TERMINUS SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15542970 LIMONTERE LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15041849 LOVIAL LTD Active Private Limited Company 15421610 LUPE CONNECT LTD Active Private Limited Company 13479398 LUXSIT ENERGY SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15578616 MOBILE GRID LTD Active Private Limited Company 12346145 MOTT MAC SUPPLIER LTD Active Private Limited Company 15229653 PBR ENG LTD Active Private Limited Company 10848124 PLUG-N-GO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11312856 PNG ASSETS 1 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12885106 POWERLEC SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14189803 RE EDG LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15318589 SHANZAY ENERGY SAVING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15761085 SHOLEP ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13486162 SMARTNEST SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15784193 SMR ELECTRICAL LTD Active Private Limited Company 15240613 SULEMAN LTD Active Private Limited Company 14769355 TK ELECTRICIAL SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 14879378 UNITED GENERATORS UK LTD Active Private Limited Company 15161478 VALLEY FOR WORLD TRADE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15024884 ZENERGY INC LTD Active Private Limited Company 15689684 ZENITH SOLAR LTD Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode WC2H


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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