Manufacture of other technical and industrial textiles companies registered in Cardiff CF14 with SIC code 13960

There are a total of 37 active companies registered in postcode CF14 with SIC code 13960 Manufacture of other technical and industrial textiles.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

15443685 ARSHAD SAEED LTD Active Private Limited Company 14865875 CJYHBD NJSHXGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14332993 DALTON TECHNOLOGY LTD Active Private Limited Company 14859863 DLTHBD NJSYHT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15018152 DONGJIAN TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14923251 GANBO ONJUN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14908704 GDSHBD JSXJFZ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14871964 HEZHIHUA TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14910979 HQFHBD QXQMZDD LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14915447 HXJHBD YSZDZD LTD Active Private Limited Company 14928751 JAVAIR IAKHI LTD Active Private Limited Company 14926366 LFFCDB TZSXFL LTD Active Private Limited Company 14913753 LLBHBD DQSSETQ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14919946 LOPEZ BAYSA LTD Active Private Limited Company 14863147 LXZHBD GXGGS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14911494 LYJHBD LYZLQC LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14913686 LZJHBD GYLGMW LTD Active Private Limited Company 15469897 OANHNGUYENMENAGE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14928566 SHABNAM ASHFAQ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13618526 SHUANGZHOU TEXTILE UK LTD Active Private Limited Company 14855815 TGXHBD SDSXJX LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14189863 THE HAMILTON COLLECTION & CO LTD Active Private Limited Company 14840777 TJLHBD JSSHAN LTD Active Private Limited Company 14868449 TYQHBD WHXHYZ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11331870 UK RONAL TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 14916723 VALMORIA REYES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15316235 VANNAN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14926595 WWMHBD CGJDXNC LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14913777 WYJHBD JBQHHTX LTD Active Private Limited Company 14925803 WYWHBD DHXSLH LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14888728 YDJHBD SCSAYX LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14913921 YQSHBD PMZLGC LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14913799 YYYHBD LYXHPZ LTD Active Private Limited Company 14926978 ZGLHBD FZBZJC LTD Active Private Limited Company 14913826 ZHKHBD BYXWDJ LTD Active Private Limited Company 14802331 ZMHDUR DIREDT LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 14925712 ZYCHBD TXSHQZ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14866051 ZZHHBY MJSJTQ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode CF14


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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