Weaving of textiles companies registered in Cardiff CF14 with SIC code 13200

There are a total of 40 active companies registered in postcode CF14 with SIC code 13200 Weaving of textiles.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

15286864 AHMED AITKEN LTD Active Private Limited Company 15349797 ANGELA ELENA LTD Active Private Limited Company 15338899 BELANGIA LUKENS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15314262 BERNICE BLANCHE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15317600 CECILIA KARA LTD Active Private Limited Company 15187891 CESQUIERTAL LTD Active Private Limited Company 15300677 CHANGJI LTD Active Private Limited Company 15393966 CLARENCE CLEMENT LTD Active Private Limited Company 15282755 COPERNICUS CONDIVERK LTD Active Private Limited Company 15275394 CORTMAN WESTERLIN LTD Active Private Limited Company 14859882 CXRHBD NJSTFL LTD Active Private Limited Company 14930759 DARATTI MUHMMA LTD Active Private Limited Company 14667158 DDSAHWH DIRECT LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15276647 DIKUKOT MALT LTD Active Private Limited Company 15158099 DSWORTHPO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15347422 EDISON CARLY LTD Active Private Limited Company 15588999 ERRYROM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15239197 GABRIELLA IVY LTD Active Private Limited Company 15276643 GAUSKA TIFFANY THIEL LTD Active Private Limited Company 15238703 GE WEINI KUKEQI LTD Active Private Limited Company 14856614 GXMHBD FJSGLJ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14837248 HFLHBD HBXTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15689287 HSDAIOFA LTD Active Private Limited Company 15721626 ISAFAUJAF LTD Active Private Limited Company 15664153 JSFISA LTD Active Private Limited Company 15278995 LUBERI BARADEI LTD Active Private Limited Company 14850137 LZJHBD SDSGM LTD Active Private Limited Company 14763139 MXTSHY DIRECT LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15351264 NATALIE REAGAN LTD Active Private Limited Company 15670919 NFGXF LTD Active Private Limited Company 15369364 NGELIN LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15498876 PRETTY PATTERNS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15652744 PWNVUBC LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15569414 RONNIE RED LTD Active Private Limited Company 13618526 SHUANGZHOU TEXTILE UK LTD Active Private Limited Company 15237368 SIGRID SUSAN LTD Active Private Limited Company 15436985 SYNTHWAVE DYNAMICS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15649030 TEXTILE IMPRESSIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15196290 VALENTIN GNARELLE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15524276 WILLIAM ROBERT LTD Active Private Limited Company 14855789 WJGHBD SGSDTZ LTD Active Private Limited Company 15373798 WOVENWELL TEXTILE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15369167 YEWEIONE LTD Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode CF14


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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