Manufacture of homogenized food preparations and dietetic food companies registered in South East London SE1 with SIC code 10860

There are a total of 28 active companies registered in postcode SE1 with SIC code 10860 Manufacture of homogenized food preparations and dietetic food.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

15383666 ASOS CLOTHING LTD Active Private Limited Company 12383635 AYURVEDA DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15073433 BAGDANTON LTD Active Private Limited Company 15375975 BOELDS SNACKS CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 14421855 CERNER AVIVAINA HEALTH MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. Active Private Limited Company 15383581 CHCHZ FOODS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15383055 CHICAGO FOODS CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 14314614 CUSTOM CELEBRITY BEAUTY UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13872640 EPASSION BIO-TECH CO., LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15389336 EXPLORER FOOD LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15071035 FUNJAY BIO LTD Active Private Limited Company 15383580 JACKSVILLE FASHION CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15383549 JIALISHIPIN LTD Active Private Limited Company 15375837 LENT BEVERAGE FOOD CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 14190483 LVANKA INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15375590 MCWITT FOODS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15383684 MEIBAILI LTD Active Private Limited Company 15375806 MESSIE LIQUOR CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15392390 MOKE FOOD CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15072187 OPAIGE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15383678 POLO BRANDS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14248526 SIENT LTD Active Private Limited Company 15290008 STONER LIFE MEDICINE CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15522411 UK MOK CO., LTD Active Private Limited Company 15168912 UK SPECTRUM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15375876 WALKER FOODS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14381561 YAOXINGXI FASHION LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15072573 YUMMY LURGAN LTD Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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