Production of coffee and coffee substitutes companies registered in East Central London EC1V with SIC code 10832

There are a total of 36 active companies registered in postcode EC1V with SIC code 10832 Production of coffee and coffee substitutes.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

12815089 ANGELES INDUSTRIES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15071826 AXIS SHOTOKAN KARATE LTD Active Private Limited Company 14503603 BAND OF BEANS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15497861 BEQWEI LTD Active Private Limited Company 10331986 BLENDLY LTD Active Private Limited Company 11714690 BOONTOWN COFFEE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15697545 BOOST BAR LTD Active Private Limited Company 13189005 BRONZE COFFEE LTD Active Private Limited Company 14784169 CARIOCA COMMODITY ROASTERS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14339018 CHAKRA COFFEE ROASTERY & CONSULTANCY LTD Active Private Limited Company 15222289 DP MATTHEWS F/B LTD Active Private Limited Company 12296862 EIGHTY SEVEN PLUS COFFEE LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15189733 ENDURE VENTURE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15639155 FOTIVER LTD Active Private Limited Company 15074371 GORILLA JAVA LTD Active Private Limited Company 15140891 GRINDITION LTD Active Private Limited Company 14035496 HARAZI GENERAL TRADING LTD Active Private Limited Company 12896909 HEAPED LTD Active Private Limited Company 15057401 HUB SHOP APP LTD Active Private Limited Company 15459287 JAVELLO COFFEE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15230751 KAYNAT COFFEE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15471558 KIMMA UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13852038 KOL COACHING & CONSULTANCY LTD Active Private Limited Company 13827623 LITTLEVENICE COFFEE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11710741 MAHABAD GROUP LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15740313 MITALU LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15500595 MXB HOLDINGS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15305597 OUKAPROD LTD Active Private Limited Company 08390111 PEAK COFFEE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15070732 REGALBLENDS LTD Active Private Limited Company 12771181 SOPHIES ICED COFFEE BLEND LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14805265 THE BEAN ROOM COFFEE CO LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 14837004 THE COFFEE KINGDOM LTD Active Private Limited Company 15312632 THELAR LTD Active Private Limited Company 15126320 TWO DOCS COFFEE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15741675 WICK 2323 LTD Active Private Limited Company 12779896 ZENITH UNIVERSAL GROUP LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15087689 ZEROTOONE COFFEE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode EC1V


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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