Manufacture of breakfast cereals and cereals-based food companies registered in Bradford BD3 with SIC code 10612

There are a total of 28 active companies registered in postcode BD3 with SIC code 10612 Manufacture of breakfast cereals and cereals-based food.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

14483734 ALLDAR LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14531893 BANDAND LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14534981 BIOTIME LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14536002 CODVA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15618039 CORPRIVE LTD Active Private Limited Company 15622095 DIGISTRY LTD Active Private Limited Company 15628788 DOXON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14486106 ETHER AJ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14501035 EXCELON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14507280 HELLO VOLTON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14488578 HIKSANAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14483139 HYPERJOY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14531037 ITSIQ LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15606075 KLEINHUS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15602866 NAIHERT LTD Active Private Limited Company 14489453 OPOLAR LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14487807 OURTER LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14482373 PIQLO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14534560 PRELE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14535678 PROGOALL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14530768 QUICKLE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14535754 RISET LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14533206 RYANO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14518734 SCITY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14502996 SELBLO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14443235 THE DORDONO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14535660 UPNODE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14535930 URATE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Find all companies in postcode BD3


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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