Extraction of crude petroleum companies registered in South West London SW1W with SIC code 06100

There are a total of 72 active companies registered in postcode SW1W with SIC code 06100 Extraction of crude petroleum.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

06314260 ANGLO OIL CORPORATION LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05356303 BLOCK ENERGY PLC Active Public Limited Company 04948245 BURREN ENERGY (EGYPT) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02374592 CHRYSAOR (U.K.) ALPHA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02316577 CHRYSAOR (U.K.) BETA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02954364 CHRYSAOR (U.K.) BRITANNIA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07872436 CHRYSAOR (U.K.) DELTA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02369861 CHRYSAOR (U.K.) ETA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07832693 CHRYSAOR (U.K.) SIGMA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01491002 CHRYSAOR (U.K.) THETA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01775651 CHRYSAOR (U.K.) ZETA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07036630 CHRYSAOR CNS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02180666 CHRYSAOR DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10871880 CHRYSAOR E&P LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06418649 CHRYSAOR LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00958880 CHRYSAOR NORTH SEA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00792712 CHRYSAOR PETROLEUM COMPANY U.K. LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01247477 CHRYSAOR PETROLEUM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00524868 CHRYSAOR PRODUCTION (U.K.) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03629601 CHRYSAOR PRODUCTION HOLDINGS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04550265 CHRYSAOR PRODUCTION LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03440053 CHRYSAOR RESOURCES (IRISH SEA) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03453033 CHRYSAOR RESOURCES (UK) HOLDINGS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14669557 CONJUGATE ENERGY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12916351 CORNERSTONE NORTH SEA LTD Active Private Limited Company 12901726 CRG HOLDCO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03328217 ENCORE OIL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03968980 ENI AMBALAT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07683960 ENI ARGUNI I LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01020949 ENI AUSTRALIA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03856870 ENI BUKAT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07036327 ENI CBM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11409270 ENI EAST GANAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08102459 ENI EAST SEPINGGAN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03772746 ENI ELGIN/FRANKLIN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03771954 ENI GANAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01452037 ENI HYDROCARBONS VENEZUELA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02735371 ENI INDIA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00972944 ENI IS EXPLORATION LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03562003 ENI KRUENG MANE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01008965 ENI LASMO PLC Active Public Limited Company 01003825 ENI LIVERPOOL BAY OPERATING COMPANY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00970280 ENI LNS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07814541 ENI NORTH GANAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02274210 ENI OIL ALGERIA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14801801 ENI PERI MAHAKAM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03771987 ENI RAPAK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00862823 ENI UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01019748 ENI UKCS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00936223 ENI ULX LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12227735 ENI WEST GANAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06606325 ENI WEST TIMOR LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05567365 ENI YEMEN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05513792 GLOBAL PETROLEUM EXPLORATION LTD Active Private Limited Company 10537889 HARBOUR ENERGY FINANCE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11662086 HARBOUR ENERGY MARKETING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10873483 HARBOUR ENERGY SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05295232 NORTH CASPIAN SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01164961 PREMIER OIL ABERDEEN SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03468792 PREMIER OIL AND GAS SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07447540 PREMIER OIL ANDAMAN I LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08534721 PREMIER OIL ANDAMAN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05452607 PREMIER OIL ANS HOLDINGS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05681805 PREMIER OIL ANS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05052042 PREMIER OIL BARAKUDA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02907493 PREMIER OIL E&P UK EU LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02761032 PREMIER OIL E&P UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01135444 PREMIER OIL FAR EAST LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08033702 PREMIER OIL MEXICO HOLDINGS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01474678 PREMIER OIL SOUTH ANDAMAN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07961063 PREMIER OIL VIETNAM 121 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13018647 VIKING CCS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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