Mixed farming companies registered in Taunton TA1 with SIC code 01500

There are a total of 56 active companies registered in postcode TA1 with SIC code 01500 Mixed farming.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

07189270 A & E SERVICE LTD Active Private Limited Company 10661969 AAM FARMS Active Private Unlimited Company 13220759 AAM LIVESTOCK LTD Active Private Limited Company 12613863 APLINS FARMS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13257199 BUDLEY & CO LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15528724 CGP FARMING LTD Active Private Limited Company 12551213 CHELSTON HEATH FARMING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07150597 COLLITON BARTON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13998586 COWLING FARMS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14924225 CURTIS AGRICULTURAL LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14923695 CURTIS TRACTORS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12364275 CYNNEN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02559465 DENNIS CLOTHIER & SONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09121658 DIEPENBROEK FARMS LTD Active Private Limited Company 00641336 E.S.TRIGGOL Active Private Unlimited Company 00231116 EAST CULME FARM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14479585 EXMOOR TITANIC LTD Active Private Limited Company 10516551 FARWOOD BARTON PARTNERSHIP LTD Active Private Limited Company 12792326 GOTHARD PARTNERS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10613315 H ATTWELL LTD Active Private Limited Company 13538839 HANCHARD FARMING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13148800 HERRINGSTON FARMS LTD Active Private Limited Company 15151218 INFARM TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12746953 JAMIE HAWKINS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15492634 JE QUICK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13216625 JHB GAY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07542951 JT & AJ ANDREWS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15718651 K & D BEATTIE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12205038 KJ & PA SELLICK LIMITED Liquidation Private Limited Company 00625046 L. O. CLOTHIER & SONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13692065 LOVE THE DAY LTD Active Private Limited Company 07715217 M J & D A JOHNSON LTD Active Private Limited Company 11763069 M J & L E GRINTER LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10187976 MEAD PARK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10688186 N HILL FARMING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01098080 N. F. CLOTHIER & SONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11033839 NEMPNETT FARM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06836595 P&P HOWLETT & SON FARMING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09545086 PEPPERCORN FARM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07105649 PIPPLEPEN FARMS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04911933 R & P FARMING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13870320 ROS FARMING LTD Active Private Limited Company 11855813 ROUNDWOOD FARM LTD Active Private Limited Company 11886836 RUMITECHS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11124828 SCF FABRICATION LTD Active Private Limited Company 13603625 SILVERMEADS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08993513 SJ PALMER LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09924817 SMART DEV LTD Active Private Limited Company 04048029 T & J STAINER LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12708725 TBC (DEVON) LTD Active Private Limited Company 01071122 TEIFYSIDE SECURITIES LIMITED Liquidation Private Limited Company 08951891 TEMPLE FARM (CHEDZOY) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05148090 VE & JM SELLICK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00820223 W.D.BURROUGH & SONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11963050 WADDON HILL LTD Active Private Limited Company 14846368 WB HONEY LTD Active Private Limited Company 11717737 WESSEX PORK LIMITED Liquidation Private Limited Company 10752878 WEST BRADLEY FARM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12919092 WOOD COURT FARM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 July 2024

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