


15732576 AJPROCUREMENT LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-21 15614027 AOD PROJECTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-03 15591433 APEX FINCH LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-24 15545213 ARRIA EVENTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-06 15719572 ARTFUL DELIGHTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-14 15609987 AUGUST EVENTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-02 15567043 BOUNCE & GROOVE LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-16 15540889 BRANDPROPERTYVENTURES LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-05 15728920 DEVALA5 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-19 15617984 ELIO SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-05 15744969 FONTWELL CONSTRUCTION LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-28 15716141 HWM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-13 15549619 LUCA CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-09 15685075 MAXWELL GREENE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-27 15674144 NA EMBROIDERY LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-23 15706757 RICHARD JAMES CONTRACTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-07 15639058 RUFINITY LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-12 15611474 SUPPPLE GROUP PLC Active Public Limited Company 2024-04-03 15572337 TOWNHALL PRODUCTION LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-17 15645763 WHOLE FOODS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-14 15711738 WILBERG ADVISORY LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-10 15715750 WRITEWORK LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-12 15560360 ZIK DECOR LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-13




公司信息由友情提供 Basic Company DataPublished by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

最后更新 1 June 2024





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