Nowe firmy zarejestrowane w kod pocztowy BT13

Istnieją 54 nowych firm zarejestrowanych w kod pocztowy BT13 w ciągu ostatnich 3 miesięcy.

Dowiedz się więcej o tych nowych firmach:

NI714066 AGM-FBA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-15 NI714480 BETH TORSTEN LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-19 NI712016 BIGDSBONUSBALL LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-19 NI714843 BOLAS DRINKS CLUB LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-25 NI714667 BROOKEFIELD ESTATES BANBRIDGE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-23 NI714440 BUGUOFENDE TRADE LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-19 NI711810 CND JOINERY & FLOORING LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-14 NI716117 D E LANDSCAPES LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-22 NI715602 DAGGER PRODUCTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-08 NI711874 EMPOWERTHEM NI CIC Active Community Interest Company 2024-03-15 NI715705 EUZER LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-10 NI711404 GADGET CARE NI LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-07 NI712337 HOUSE OF THEM LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-25 NI714535 HUMAN RIGHTS BROADCASTING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-22 NI713486 IGNITE EMPIRE LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-08 NI715647 IVICA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-09 NI715019 JAMES GARY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-29 NI711243 JCARROWWEB LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-05 NI711488 KARMIAPA LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-09 NI713778 LIAOBBBB LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-10 NI712465 LIQINGJIKE TECHNOLOGY LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-27 NI714664 LOUGHVIEW ANTRIM ROAD LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-23 NI711617 LXTLXT TRADING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-12 NI712753 M&M INSTALLS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-28 NI712250 MCF DISTRIBUTION LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-22 NI714685 MELENIANA LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-23 NI713840 MENPIG LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-11 NI716006 MIKERYANNI LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-20 NI713970 MV BEAUTY SALON LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-12 NI712987 NEMOSIA LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-02 NI714043 NEW CRAB LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-15 NI712989 NIMOSIA LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-02 NI716179 NORTHERN B&B LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-23 NI715625 O'NEILL CONTRACTORS BELFAST LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-09 NI714172 PH JOINERY BELFAST LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-16 NI716328 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE N.I. LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-28 NI713418 REBEL SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-05 NI715439 RH AJ CONSULTING LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-02 NI714749 SILVER HOUSE BELFAST LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-24 NI714198 SKTB FOOD LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-16 NI712339 SMART GUY N.I LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-25 NI711755 TANISHA TECHNOLOGIES LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-14 NI716316 THE COLIN COFFEE HUB LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-28 NI716178 THE FLOOR CO N.I. LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-23 NI715789 TOBIN PROPERTY PARTNERS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-14 NI713092 TRENCH LOGISTICS LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-02 NI711575 TSIAMBA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-11 NI716304 U G B IRELAND LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-28 NI714665 URBAN LIVING LISBURN LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-23 NI715482 VEED PROPERTIES LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-05-03 NI711972 WINKX LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-18 NI711414 XILGARIORE LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-03-08 NI714992 XORQUEST LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-28 NI713201 XYSAGIUM LTD Active Private Limited Company 2024-04-03


Znajdz wszystkie przedsiebiorstwa w kod pocztowy BT13


Informacje o firmie jest uprzejmosci Basic Company DataPublished by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Ostatnia aktualizacja 1 June 2024

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Biorac pod uwage zaangazowanie sie ludzi, którzy mieszkaja i pracuja w kod pocztowy BT13? Marketing ukierunkowany wedlug kodu pocztowego jest idealnym rozwiazaniem dla lokalnych firm.

Marketing ukierunkowany wedlug kodu pocztowego jest idealnym rozwiazaniem dla lokalnych firm.

Dotarcie do osób, które mieszkaja i / lub pracuja w kod pocztowy BT13 z marketingu docelowego jest latwiejsze i bardziej skuteczne niz kiedykolwiek.

W ponad 50% populacji Wielkiej Brytanii posiada telefon komórkowy mozna dotrzec do nowych i dotychczasowych klientów poszukuje dla swoich produktów i uslug, gdzie i kiedy beda gotowi - w pracy, w domu i grac.

Zobacz lokalny marketing internetowy - wedlug kodu pocztowego, regionu lub kraju (w jezyku angielskim)