List of Bath BA1 Firmy zarejestrowane przez klasyfikacji przemyslu
Istnieje w sumie z 5436 aktywnych firm zarejestrowanych w kod pocztowy BA1
Zobacz nowe spólki w kod pocztowy BA1
Wiek przedsiębiorstwa w kod pocztowy: Bath BA1
- 258/5436 - (5%) 6m
- 259/5436 - (5%) 6-12m
- 442/5436 - (8%) 1-2y
- 359/5436 - (7%) 2-3y
- 320/5436 - (6%) 3-4y
- 1179/5436 - (22%) 4-8y
- 2619/5436 - (48%) 8+ years
Przemysl podzial klasyfikacji
The top industry classification is Residents property management (98000) with 441
- A: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing - 33/5436 (0.61%)
- B: Mining and Quarrying - 6/5436 (0.11%)
- C: Manufacturing - 194/5436 (3.57%)
- D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply - 17/5436 (0.31%)
- E: Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities - 6/5436 (0.11%)
- F: Construction - 288/5436 (5.30%)
- G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles - 474/5436 (8.72%)
- H: Transportation and storage - 33/5436 (0.61%)
- I: Accommodation and food service activities - 317/5436 (5.83%)
- J: Information and communication - 600/5436 (11.04%)
- K: Financial and insurance activities - 182/5436 (3.35%)
- L: Real estate activities - 580/5436 (10.67%)
- M: Professional, scientific and technical activities - 1035/5436 (19.04%)
- N: Administrative and support service activities - 344/5436 (6.33%)
- O: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security - 6/5436 (0.11%)
- P: Education - 154/5436 (2.83%)
- Q: Human health and social work activities - 198/5436 (3.64%)
- R: Arts, entertainment and recreation - 236/5436 (4.34%)
- S: Other service activities - 200/5436 (3.68%)
- T: Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use - 445/5436 (8.19%)
- U: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - 88/5436 (1.62%)
Linki do standardowej klasyfikacji firm wedlug branzy
Informacje o firmie jest uprzejmosci Basic Company DataPublished by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..
Ostatnia aktualizacja 1 December 2024