Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories companies registered in Oldham OL8 with SIC code 45320

Il y a un total de 29 entreprises actives enregistrées dans OL8 code postal avec le code SIC 45320 Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories.

Explorez plus et voir plus de détails sur ces entreprises.

11468177 AUTO-SERVE OLDHAM LTD Active Private Limited Company 14753539 AYRTON SENNA MOTORS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14569729 B.C AUTOS SALVAGE LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 14517334 BC ENGINES & GEARBOXES LTD Active Private Limited Company 14889205 BILLS CUSTOMS LTD Active Private Limited Company 09738781 CAR BODY SUPPLIES (ROCHDALE) LTD Active Private Limited Company 10968019 CAR PARTS OLDHAM LTD Active Private Limited Company 12716790 DILAWAR MALKIAT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12345035 ECR RACING LTD Active Private Limited Company 11430658 GERMAN ENGINES AND COMPONENTS U.K LTD Active Private Limited Company 11431142 GERMAN PARTS SPECIALISTS U.K LTD Active Private Limited Company 13363337 GRIFFIN BATTERY CENTRE LTD Active Private Limited Company 10513338 HAYCH TECH LTD Active Private Limited Company 12147257 IKENNAJI INVESTMENT LTD Active Private Limited Company 13966858 IOSIF GIANI CODREANU LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 08384377 LANCASHIRE LIGHT COMMERCIAL LTD Active Private Limited Company 14940210 MCR AUTOMOTIVE LTD Active Private Limited Company 07398048 MOTOR COLOURS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05742864 MOTORISTS DISCOUNT STORE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14509828 MY CAR PARTS OLDHAM LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 10777836 OLDHAM TYRES & EXHAUSTS CENTRE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10778385 OLDHAM TYRES & EXHAUSTS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10844751 OLDHAM TYRES SALES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12166025 ONE EMBASSY MOTORWORKS LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 10844530 ONLINE TYRES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 10844905 PARTWORN TYRES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15284618 R&R DISMANTLERS LTD Active Private Limited Company 12741717 SPECIALIST AUTO SPARES OLDHAM LTD Active Private Limited Company 11712146 ST THOMAS LOGISTICS LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 14593444 TREADYARD MOTOR COMPANY LTD Active Private Limited Company 10656695 TYRE ZONE OLDHAM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13168972 VAN PARTS SHOP LTD Active Private Limited Company 07984431 VAUXHALL PARTS LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 12424171 VBS NW LTD Active Private Limited Company 10378874 XENONS ONLINE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


Trouver toutes les entreprises avec le code standard de l'industrie 45320

Trouver toutes les entreprises OL8 code postal


Informations sur l'entreprise est gracieusement fournie par Basic Company DataPublished by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

dernière mise à jour 1 April 2024

Les opportunités marketing

Considérant engager avec les gens qui vivent et travaillent dans OL8 code postal? Le marketing ciblé par code postal est idéal pour les entreprises locales.

Le marketing ciblé par code postal est idéal pour les entreprises locales.

Tendre la main aux personnes qui vivent et / ou travaillent dans OL8 code postal avec un marketing ciblé est plus facile et plus efficace que jamais.

Comme plus de 50% de la population du Royaume-Uni ont un mobile, vous pouvez atteindre les clients nouveaux et existants à la recherche de vos produits et services, où et quand ils sont prêts - au travail, à la maison et jouer.

Voir le marketing Internet local - par code postal, région ou pays (en anglais)