Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. companies registered in Croydon CR0 with SIC code 10890

There are a total of 26 active companies registered in postcode CR0 with SIC code 10890 Manufacture of other food products n.e.c..

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09800854 ANNY'S LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07659427 ARABELLA NUTS & CONFECTIONERY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14729448 BE THE LOTUS FLOWER LTD Active Private Limited Company 13096588 BIGOLI LTD Active Private Limited Company 15217420 BIOBALANCE HEALTHCARE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 12140354 BLUE BUDDHA SEEDS LTD Active Private Limited Company 12979757 CHEF JASON HOWARD LTD Active Private Limited Company 13247629 CLAUDIASKITCHEN-UK LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14637462 DEOGAB SERVICES LTD Active Private Limited Company 14471613 DEPDIA LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 03725304 E-PHARM LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13414802 ELE’S TIRAMISU LTD Active Private Limited Company 14095193 F2 ACTIVE LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 11994784 FAT TWINS DISTRIBUTION LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11614860 GENNY GRAHAM Active PRI/LBG/NSC (Private, Limited by guarantee, no share capital, use of 'Limited' exemption) 07497114 HARAAZ EMPIRE LTD Active Private Limited Company 10261634 HOMEMADE PASSION LTD Active Private Limited Company 11927430 KAPE FOODS LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 11305113 KEW FOODS LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 10206181 KUBIT LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 09963850 LOTUS FLOWER FOODS LTD Active Private Limited Company 14729911 MICRODOSE DIRECT LTD Active Private Limited Company 15141454 MM 23 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11250260 NATURES SCIENTIFIC LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 15483081 NIX BAKERY LTD Active Private Limited Company 03321392 NOURISH KEFIR LTD Active Private Limited Company 08203127 PURE FOOD PRODUCTION LTD Active Private Limited Company 14728797 PURE LIFE LONDON LTD Active Private Limited Company 12713501 RECONSTRUCTED KITCHEN LTD Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 12473193 SIGNATURE CATERING COVENTRY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03133582 SIMPLY LUNCH LTD Active Private Limited Company 15075144 WHATS ON IN MEDIA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13909388 WIGGY GROUP LTD Active Private Limited Company


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Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 April 2024

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