Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers companies registered in Peterborough PE11 with SIC code 01130

There are a total of 25 active companies registered in postcode PE11 with SIC code 01130 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

15340055 ALPINE AND GRASS NURSERY LTD Active Private Limited Company 01425669 ANGLOFLORA FARMS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00534229 C.E.RICHARDSON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00760178 C.W. DOBBS & SON LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02782969 CHESTNUT FARM NURSERIES WISBECH LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04760919 COLIN GREGORY ROSES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00499692 D.& R.SIMMONS,LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 06960526 DAVID BOWMAN PUMPKINS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13425402 FIRTH PRODUCE LTD Active Private Limited Company 00681457 GLENSIDE NURSERIES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13178583 GRANGE FARM (SPALDING) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02452469 HERDGATE PROPERTIES LIMITED Active - Proposal to Strike off Private Limited Company 04567366 HOUGHTON PRODUCE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05348478 IVANDA NURSERY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05729536 L & D FLOWERS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 15501098 LINCS BUTTERNUTS LTD Active Private Limited Company 01949710 LITTLEWORTH NURSERIES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04529158 MARSHALLS (DONINGTON) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03731652 PETER C. THOROLD LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04951386 POPLARS GROWERS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00465714 PROCTOR BROS. (GOSBERTON) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00465716 PROCTOR BROS. (LONG SUTTON) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04333580 R. BRATLEY (PLANTS) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 00714473 R. BRATLEY (QUADRING) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 07153443 T R MARKETFRESH LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08149204 THE CABBAGE COMPANY LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


Find all companies with SIC code 01130

Find all companies in postcode PE11


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 April 2024

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