List of Wolverhampton WV2 Companies registered by industry classification
There are a total of 3078 active companies registered in WV2
Age of companies in postcode: Wolverhampton WV2
- 331/3078 - (11%) 6m
- 346/3078 - (11%) 6-12m
- 476/3078 - (15%) 1-2y
- 327/3078 - (11%) 2-3y
- 219/3078 - (7%) 3-4y
- 646/3078 - (21%) 4-8y
- 733/3078 - (24%) 8+ years
Industry classification breakdown
The top industry classification is Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate (68209) with 174
- A: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing - 6/3078 (0.19%)
- C: Manufacturing - 182/3078 (5.91%)
- D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply - 1/3078 (0.03%)
- E: Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities - 21/3078 (0.68%)
- F: Construction - 324/3078 (10.53%)
- G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles - 584/3078 (18.97%)
- H: Transportation and storage - 145/3078 (4.71%)
- I: Accommodation and food service activities - 180/3078 (5.85%)
- J: Information and communication - 153/3078 (4.97%)
- K: Financial and insurance activities - 84/3078 (2.73%)
- L: Real estate activities - 379/3078 (12.31%)
- M: Professional, scientific and technical activities - 225/3078 (7.31%)
- N: Administrative and support service activities - 256/3078 (8.32%)
- O: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security - 11/3078 (0.36%)
- P: Education - 65/3078 (2.11%)
- Q: Human health and social work activities - 224/3078 (7.28%)
- R: Arts, entertainment and recreation - 57/3078 (1.85%)
- S: Other service activities - 122/3078 (3.96%)
- T: Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use - 20/3078 (0.65%)
- U: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - 39/3078 (1.27%)
Links to companies by siccode
Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..
Last update 1 March 2025