Companies in Great Britain
From lists of companies by postcode to finding companies involved in any industry, you'll find them all here at Companies in Great Britain, a Great place to do business.
Each country in the United Kingdom (UK) has its own system of administrative and geographic demarcation, whose origins often pre-date the formation of the UK.
Although not directly equivalent, postcodes have been adopted for a wide range of purposes in addition to aiding the sorting of mail.
This site offers lists of all postcodes where there are registered companies.
London is the largest and most culturally diverse region and is divided into eight postcodes regions
This list of SIC codes is annotated with the number of active companies associating with their main nature of business
The United Kingdom Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (SIC) is used to classify business establishments by the type of economic activity in which they are engaged.
The UK is a sophisticated and technologically advanced market where the most of its residents have access to the internet and the majority use it in their daily lives.
As over 50% of the UK population have a mobile you can reach out to new and existing customers looking for your products and services wherever and whenever they're ready - at work, home and play.
Small businesses are the lifeblood of the UK and are amongst the most agile and adaptable to new opportunities.
The UK is one of the best countries to do business. If you have a dispute, English law has a good reputation for international litigation and dispute resolution.