Credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors companies registered in Birmingham B91 with SIC code 64921

There are a total of 26 active companies registered in postcode B91 with SIC code 64921 Credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors.

Explore more and see details about these companies.

11774710 AURA SOLTANA LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01091883 CREATION FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04513342 EARLSWOOD FINANCE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 11609468 NUBNK LTD Active Private Limited Company 12222819 OFFA FINCO 1 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 14262691 OFFA FINCO 2 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 13753107 OFFA FINCO 3 LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 03203928 PARAGON CAR FINANCE (1) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05390290 PARAGON CAR FINANCE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08049584 PARAGON DEVELOPMENT FINANCE SERVICES LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08081264 PARAGON FIFTH FUNDING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01917566 PARAGON FINANCE PLC Active Public Limited Company 05386924 PARAGON MORTGAGES (NO. 12) PLC Active Public Limited Company 03696169 PARAGON MORTGAGES (NO. 5) PLC Active Public Limited Company 09777963 PARAGON MORTGAGES (NO.25) PLC Active Public Limited Company 11727898 PARAGON MORTGAGES (NO.26) PLC Active Public Limited Company 12438682 PARAGON MORTGAGES (NO.27) PLC Active Public Limited Company 12898419 PARAGON MORTGAGES (NO.28) PLC Active Public Limited Company 03303798 PARAGON PERSONAL FINANCE (1) LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05390327 PARAGON PERSONAL FINANCE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 02637506 PARAGON SECOND FUNDING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 09580619 PARAGON SEVENTH FUNDING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 08603538 PARAGON SIXTH FUNDING LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 04481151 PBAF ACQUISITIONS LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 05198268 QAS ASSET FINANCE LIMITED Active Private Limited Company 01981317 UNIVERSAL CREDIT LIMITED Active Private Limited Company


Find all companies with SIC code 64921

Find all companies in postcode B91


Company information is kindly provided by Basic Company Data Published by Companies House. Licensed under “Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”..

Last update 1 April 2024

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